hemp field


The wonder crop that has been around since 8,000BC is making a comeback in a big way and we are pretty stoked about it.

Hemp is old news, really old news!

Hemp has been cultivated across the globe for thousands of years, mainly used in industry for rope and sails because of its easy cultivation and durable fabric production. Hemp was once the most farmed crop in the United Kingdom.

For various reasons mostly due to the miss-association of cannabis, hemp nearly disappeared from use but is having a long-overdue revival due to the growing awareness of the many, many benefits of this wonder crop. Almost the entirety of the plant can be used to make tens of thousands of products – not just textiles.

hands holding soil

Healing Hemp

Hemp can grow easily in most soil types and helps restore vital nutrients back into the soil. Hemp can be used by farmers as a crop rotation renewing the soil with each growth cycle.

Hemp requires no chemical fertilizers to grow as leaf shedding provides the soil with adequate fertilization. Plus, the plant is naturally pest resistant.

Growing hemp requires four times less water than conventional cotton, therefore helping to restore and maintain water supplies.

Low water consumption graphic icon

Low water use

Low water use

Hemp requires 4 times less water than conventional cotton

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Air purifying

Air purifying

Hemp absorbs huge amounts of CO2. Just one hectare can absorb around 15 tonnes

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No pesticides

No pesticides

Hemp is grown with out harmful pesticides and actually returns 60-70% of nutrients to the soil

woman with a blue hemp tote bag

Soft yet strong

The benefits of hemp aren’t just held in its environmentally friendly production. Hemp fibres are lightweight and highly absorbent, with three times the tensile strength of cotton, making it perfect for outerwear accessories like our everyday bag.

Hemps strong natural fibres help to hold fabrics tight and tough, maintaining shape and resisting abrasion making it extremely durable. Clothing made from Hemp gets softer with every wash, increasing comfort the more you wear it.

Kind to skin graphic icon

Kind to skin

Kind to skin

Hemps natural protein structure and ability to prevent bacteria make it comfortable for even for sensitive of skins

UV Sun protection Graphic Icon

UV resistant

UV resistant

Depending on the manufacturing process hemp fabric can filter rays up to SPF50

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Soil enriching

Soil enriching

Unlike cotton which depletes the soil of nutrients, hemp can be grown consecutively for over twenty years without the soil being affected.

wind turbine in a field

Carbon warrior

The fashion industry accounts for nearly 15% of global carbon emissions. Switching to Hemp clothing would mean planting more Hemp plants which help the process of CO2 absorption from the atmosphere, one hectare can absorb around 15 tonnes of CO2.

Hemp requires much less land to grow, almost half the area required to grow conventional cotton. Also, hemp can produce three times more fibre than cotton in the same land, avoiding undue stress on our planet and resources.

Did you know?

Hemp seeds are technically nuts. But how nuts? That's the question...

woman and a bike with a hemp tote bag

Hemp Collection

Soft yet incredibly durable our hemp collection is made to last