Laura Coughlan - Nov 13th 2020
How To Cultivate Kindness
This World Kindness Day

Kindness is cool. Really, really cool
To be kind is to act from a place of deep-rooted compassion, while putting others interests before our own. Too often we underestimate the power of this selfless gift, perhaps because it is so easily given and gracefully received. But, it is a gift. A gift which has the ability to create connections, lift heavy personal burdens and infuse moments of light, in a world which can otherwise feel dark.
I’m sure ‘it’s nice to be nice’ is something we have all heard at some point in our lives, but it really is true. Kindness is infectious. It boosts our psychological and physical wellbeing, spiritually lifting both the giver and receiver. We are social creatures who thrive as a result of social bonding, and it has played a huge role in human survival. Invoking feelings of gratitude, we gain a greater awareness of our own good fortune. The neural circuits involved with substance highs are the same ones activated by kindness. As dopamine and serotonin are released, we can feel a ‘Helpers High’.
Every year, on 13th November, we celebrate this feel-good gift in the form of World Kindness Day. Created by Kindness UK, a not-for-profit organisation with the goal of making kindness a bigger part of our daily lives, we are encouraged to carry out random acts of kindness. Kindness is a muscle, which gets stronger with practice. There’s no better time to spread kind energy than during a global pandemic. We have put together some lockdown friendly acts of kindness to cultivate positivity and compassion in your life.

Kindness For Your Community
1. Donate to your local food banks.
2. Post a handwritten letter to a friend.
3. Let somebody go in front of you in a queue or when driving.
4. Give someone a compliment.
5. Ask loved ones to donate to your chosen charity instead of giving a gift on your birthday.
6. Leave an empowering note on a stranger’s car.

Earth-Friendly Kindness
1. Get the oxygen flowing by planting a tree in your garden.
2. Walk or cycle where possible to reduce your carbon footprint.
3. Turn the lights off when you leave a room.
4. Pick up litter in your neighbourhood.
5. Purchase recycled and recyclable products.
6. Avoid upgrading your mobile phone for longer.

Being Kind To Nature
1. Try and reduce your meat consumption.
From veganism, to having a meat-free day a week, every action helps.
2.Adopt a rescued animal.
3. Capture a spider within your home and release it outside.
4. Make a birdhouse for your garden or balcony this winter.
5. Feed the ducks in the park (steer clear of bread though).
6. Donate or volunteer for a nature charity.

1. From a soothing tea or a short walk, take some time for yourself when you are feeling stressed.
2. It’s okay to say no. Your free time is not an indication of your availability.
3. Enjoy social media free days.
4. Compliment yourself and receive it the way you would if it was a friend giving it to you.
5. Recognise your achievements and stop comparing yourself to others.
6. Make time for sleep, exercise, food that nourishes you and ultimately, happiness.
Never forget the true power of kindness. Our words and actions hold weight on the world around us, and when we choose to use them for good we have the ability to empower ourselves, our community, and the planet.
How will you be celebrating World Kindness Day this lockdown?
Visit our Instagram page and join the discussion.

Article credit : Laura Coughlan - Ethical and Wellness write for Positive Outlook Clothing