This week we're looking back at the positivity shared with you in May
It's already the end of May and we've finally caught a glimpse of spring and warmer days and it felt so good! Let's hope we get more sunny days in the weeks to come and in the meantime, let's go back to the positive stories shared with you this month!

PEOPLE - A new Barbie Doll with Down Syndrome is released
After years of being criticised for its lack of representation, Mattel is on a journey towards diversity with its range of Barbie dolls and the doll with Down Syndrome is the latest one of them.
Ellie Goldstein, UK model with Down syndrome, helped launched the new toy and was thrilled to see more visibility for the community.
Mattel is hoping that the new Barbie will help open up conversations and show how amazing the community is.
Click HERE to read the full blog!

PLANET - A project to restore wildlife in the Yorkshire Dales
The Woodland Trust is aiming to plant 291 hectares of trees in Yorkshire to restore a site which centuries ago was covered in woodland.
The first of the 100,000 trees were planted in Snaizeholme earlier in April in what is considered a "significant moment" for the Woodland Trust since less than 5% of the vallez area is currently covered in trees.
The programme will run over 10 years and is aiming to provide habitats for threatened species, improve water quality and reduce the risk of floods for local populations.
Click HERE to read the full blog

PRACTICE - Taking care of yourself and others
15-21 May marked Mental Health Awareness Week and this year's these was anxiety.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems people might face and surveys show that a quarter of adults are currently anxious over their financial issues.
The aim of the campaigns is to rise awareness and provide ways to inform and support whoever needs it. We took the opportunity to share some tips to help cope with anxiety and stress whenever it all just feels a bit too much.
Click HERE to read the full blog and take care of yourself!
Léa's takeaway
I've really loved finding these new uplifting stories for this month and I hope you've enjoyed reading these every week.
I'm looking forward to more inspiring news in June, celebrating the start of summer, Pride month and our oceans!
Stay tuned and keep it positive!

Blog Author: Léa Gorniak - May 22nd 2023