#57 - Conscious cards, Philanthropic payout & Nostalgic connection

A card game designed with a purpose in mind
Jackson Mann, 15, has created a new card game to support global efforts to save wildlife and support critical conservation projects. After a family trip to Costa Rica, Jackson decided to design ‘Save Our Species’ (SOS) - a game that has now been backed by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Starting as a teenager’s dream, the cards are now produced internationally, with all profits going to conversation groups.

Euro millionaire gives back to our planet
An anonymous EuroMillions winner has used their £200m jackpot to set up an organization that tackles environmental issues overseas. Their foundation aims to “protect the living and watch over our future”. This selfless act was motivated by deforestation witnessed on the Ivory Coast, with the winnings dedicated to positive projects preserving the natural beauty of our forests.

Whether you’ve read our blog on Nostalgia or not (read here), the chances are you will be pretty familiar with those feelings of joy when you’re taken back to your simple, early days as a child. It feels nice right?! But did you know that Nostalgia doesn’t have to be a personal, independent experience? It can also be shared amongst others that reminisce on the same memories as your own. When we engage in activities with family members for example, it is highly likely that childhood memories become triggered as we spend time around those that knew us in an earlier life.
To finish off April’s look into ways to feel more connected, we are encouraging you to dig into your past and find an activity that was a bit of a tradition in your household. Whether it's cooking a particular meal, playing a certain game or heading out to a place you called a second home, spend some time this week reimmersing yourself in your childhood. If you ever feel disconnected from others and need to put things back into perspective, reflecting on your past will highlight what and who is important to you, lying at the core of the person you’ve become.

Blog Author: Ben Oliver - Jan 28th 2022