#63 - phenomenal fashion, tremendous trees and upcycle upgrades.

The ‘One life one tree project’
Henry Emson, the founder of the ‘One tree one life project’ is dedicating his life to fight against climate change by planting 100,000 of the world's most effective carbon capture trees. Giant Sequoias are some of the oldest trees in the world, they absorb more carbon than any other species and are able to grow big enough to offset the carbon footprint of a person’s entire lifetime.
The ‘One tree one life project’ allows for individuals to pay for their own sapling, then Henry or one of his team will plant it for you. You can be given the GPS coordinates allowing you to visit the tree that’s helping you to live a carbon neutral life. With the aim of safely planting and protecting 100,000 of the species in the UK, the ‘One tree one life project’ sparks hope for our beautiful Mother Nature.

The ‘WasteShark’ plastic munchers
A Dutch company, Ranmarine, has deployed several ‘Wasteshark’ water drones to capture the rubbish in our planet's waters. These Plastic munchers collectively remove 500 kilograms of waste from our waterways everyday. These ‘WasteSharks’ are also able to monitor the water quality of the surrounding areas and collect vital data that can be used to measure and minimise the impact of pollution.

Upcycling is when you take an existing item and turn it into something else, giving it a new life. By repurposing items you already have at home, you are living a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing unnecessary waste.
For our second upcycling project we are going to give old glass jars a new life.
5 uses for preloved jars:
1. Mini glass jar terrarium:
2. Glass jar herb garden:
3. DIY decorative flower vase/ flower pots:
(alternatively, you could paint your glass jars in any pattern of your choice!)
4. DIY lantern/ tea light/ candles:
(If you don’t want to make your own candles, you can place a tea light into the jar and tie a ribbon or rope around the top for a simple table decoration)
5. DIY decorative Storage:
Simply paint your glass jars with any pattern you would like, and use it as storage for small items around your house such as cotton pads, hair ties, pens and pencils.

Blog Author: Ben Oliver - Jan 28th 2022