Laura Coughlan - Nov 06 2020

“Such days of autumnal decline hold a strange mystery which adds to the gravity of all our moods.”
― Charles Nodier, Smarra & Trilby
Let’s face it, seasonal change is a bit of an elephant in the room. Year-on-year there is a collective, yet indescribable, shift in energy. And, understandably so. Gone are nostalgic sun-fuelled days, where summer sunshine floods our homes and we feel the comforting and invigorating touch of rays on our skin. Instead, everything feels colder, greyer and quite simply, mardier.
There is something really enclosing about Autumn. The shorter days can feel as though we are cheated of time, and the harsher climates instinctively make us want to cocoon inside. Being out in nature feels far less appealing when we are beneath temperamental rainy skies and so, we often miss out on nature’s feel-good highs like Vitamin D, physical movement and quality daylight, which results in a profound mood dip.
The ‘Autumn Blues’ are real and have unapologetically arrived.
Now, as we enter lockdown 2.0, we are met with another, equally as depleting force. It is no wonder that many of us are feeling apprehensive, unbalanced and overwhelmed energetically. This unsettling feeling is hard to verbalise as it encompasses our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being on such an intrinsic level. Therefore, it is important to approach healing this imbalance from a holistic perspective.
While it may be a bumpy ride, we are in this together! Enjoy our mood-boosting tips on how to holistically enrich your mind, body and soul this lockdown.

Light Therapy
Did you know that those of us with darker eyes are more susceptible to seasonal depression? This is because darker eyes need to absorb more light in order to see, than a blue-eyed counterpart. When light enters the eye, a message is sent to the brain’s hypothalamus, which works to secrete hormones and regulate moods. From going for walks, eating lunch by a window or trying light box therapy, make sure you expose yourself to as much light as possible.

Get in touch with
your body
When adjusting to new seasons, often we are actually just looking for ways to reconnect with our body and restore balance. Add an element into your routine which allows you to be completely present with your body. From yoga flows to running a bath, what does it actually feel like to be in your body?

Schedule Happiness
What lifts you up? What makes your soul sing? From video calling your favourite person or simply binge-watching a series on Netflix - be kind to yourself. You do not have to be productive all of the time.

Thought Work
While we may not be able to hide away from the biological effects of the ‘Autumn Blues’ and lack control within a global pandemic, it is empowering to know that we have a choice in how we respond to negative situations. We can rewrite the narrative into something positive. Our thoughts create our feelings, and our outlooks can breed positivity.
Above all, it is important to remember that your power is in your hands. Life is what you make it.
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Article credit : Laura Coughlan - Ethical and Wellness write for Positive Outlook Clothing